
Welcome to IAVIP

IAVIP (Indian Association of Visually Impaired Physiotherapists)
Together… For Knowledge and Growth

What is IAVIP?

- IAVIP (Indian Association of visually impaired physiotherapists) is the only official body representing all the practicing Visually Impaired Physiotherapists in India. Established on the 1st of April 2007, IAVIP is registered with the Public Charity Commissioner and also under the Society Act. IAVIP was formed by the 3 schools currently conducting a programme in Physiotherapy… Continue Reading

Aims and Objectives of IAVIP

- OBJECTIVES OF IAVIP:   Sharing scientific education through planned programmes that are practical, need based, and job oriented.   Creating a cadre of VIPTs who have ‘value’ in the market due to their training.   Aims of IAVIP:   The IAVIP will hold camps at various locations where VIPTs are practicing. This will generate more… Continue Reading

Constitution of IAVIP

- MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION NAME This Association will be called”Indian Association of Visually Impaired Physiotherapists” (I A V I P). OBJECTIVES OF IAVIP: Sharing scientific education through planned programmes that are practical, need based, and job oriented. Aims of IAVIP: The IAVIP will hold camps at various locations where VIPTs are practicing. This will generate more… Continue Reading